Our projects

2019-00805 Montreal Heart Institute (ICM) Aluminum Panel (Duralum) Aluminum Panel (Duralum) Institutional

Important information

  • Address 5000, Rue Bélanger, Montréal, Québec
  • Finishes and colors Blanc Perle (ABK11295VL) Gris clair argent (ABK22360XL) Rigel-2 (ABK21462XL)
  • Product DA1000 Plate Panel DA4000 Fluch & Reveal Panel


The Montreal Heart Institute is a hospital center specializing in the care, research, teaching and prevention of heart disease. The expansion and modernization of the Montreal Heart Institute (ICM) is part of the Investing in Excellence (IDE) project.

One of the architectural elements that distinguishes this project is the integration of huge sunshades on the facade of the building: The facades include 57 sunshades 40 feet high. The internal structure of these is made of welded and assembled aluminum tubes. Three to four aluminum assemblies had to be nested one inside the other to compose an entire sun visor. Which makes a total of 179 aluminum assemblies for the entire project! These aluminum assemblies were then covered with white painted aluminum to give the effect of a solid and continuous element.